Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berliner Institut für Islamische Theologie

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Berliner Institut für Islamische Theologie | Alle Nachrichten | Throwback to Building Bridges Conference (19-23 June 2023)

Throwback to Building Bridges Conference (19-23 June 2023)

The twenty-first Building Bridges Seminar, chaired by Daniel A. Madigan, S.J. (Georgetown University) met June 19–23, 2023 in Berlin in order to discuss "God’s Word and the Community of Faith: Christian and Muslim Perspectives". The Building Bridges Seminar is organized and convened by Georgetown University. This year, it was co-hosted by our institute. The international circle of scholars engaged in dialogical close reading of Muslim and Christian texts on the actuality, extent, nature, and modes of revelation, thus seeking deeper understanding of the similarities, variations, and particularities of the ways language associated with revelation is used in these traditions. Among others, the event was attended by Martin Nguyen (Georgetown University), our postdoc Dzenita Karic, Ahmet Alibasic (Georgetown University), Cornelia Dockter (University of Bonn), and Kenan Music (University of Sarajevo).


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